Week 5 - Sample Mission Report

Good news! I got a new day job which means 1) I will have a little extra cash to put towards this project and 2) I have a 2 week transition period where I won't be working and can commit more time to working on the game!!

Here's what I worked on this week:

  • Coded Away Team trackers for the remaining teams. I can now pull up the Crew Member names of Away Teams 1-5.
  • Continued discussions with various artists to determine feasibility of contracting out some additional assets.
  • Briefly worked on a few art assets myself
  • Drafted "Mission Reports" for the 10 sample missions I described last week. Below is a sample draft of Mission #4 - raiding an enemy outpost for fuel. The reports will be "written" by the Squad Leader and returned to the Player when they finish a mission. This will serve as the primary mechanic of updating the player on the status of the overall crew and whether new resources were obtained.

Arrival without Intel [Team name] arrived on the planet and immediately found itself at the entrance to a small enemy encampment. There were approximately 8 hostiles in the area. We immediately engaged the enemy who took up defensive positions around a primary structure. A prolonged firefight ensued.

Arrival with Intel [Team name] arrived on the planet. With the intelligence obtained earlier, we knew this to be a fuel processing camp held by the enemy. As soon as we landed, our forces immediately dispatched [2-4] hostiles. The remaining forces struggled to regroup and there appeared to be confusion as to whether they should retreat or fight back.

Victory without Intel Our team killed or incapacitated all enemy combatants. [Combat report here] Surveying the surrounding area it appeared to be a processing facility for some sort of fuel. We collected a few samples of refined fuel to return for further study. Scans of the area show no additional signs of enemy activity, although the likelihood of the enemy returning was high, so [Team Leader] ordered us back to base. [Combat report here]

Victory with Intel Our team quickly dispatched the remaining forces. [Combat report here] As expected, we found cases of refined fuel which we took back to base. Knowing that the enemy was not scheduled to return to collect their fuel for another day, we took our time and all the refined fuel and documents we could find. [Combat report here]

Defeat without Intel Taking heavy fire from their fortified positions, it became clear that the battle was not winnable. [Team leader] ordered an emergency retreat through the gate. [Combat report here.] We returned empty handed.

Defeat with Intel Despite our initial advantage the enemy managed to regroup and push us back. [Team leader] ordered an emergency retreat through the gate. [Combat report here]. We returned empty handed.

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